In a clip which went viral on social media, a woke pastor claims that Jesus is not the only way to secure salvation. This claim, which flies in the face of all orthodox Christian doctrine, is completely unsupported. He says that members of every religion are equally as correct as Christians provided they are nice people.
“One thing I’ve learned about engaging this question with many of you over the years, is that everyone does not have eternal life? It is a theological question that we enjoy thinking about together, but it’s also so often a deeply personal question. And then, what about all my friends and relatives who aren’t Christian?” he began. ” Because a lot of them do they have eternal life? I sure hope so. I love those people.”
T”hen, what about my my friends of different religions too, specifically my dear Jewish and Muslim and Hindu and Buddhist and Baha’i and Mormon and Unitarian and Christian Science friends who approach God differently,” he claimed, ” In my Christianity, they often live beautiful, generous, compassionate lives, like some Christians do too, but they would not claim a faith centered in Jesus.”
“Do they have eternal life? Theological question, but it’s a personal one too. I have eternal life
question that resounded loudly, a memorial service I attended some years ago now, an experience that’s haunted me in a rather blessed way, 59-year-old man being remembered in that particular memorial service up in Gainesville was not that he was not religious,” the pastor said.
“There was the service to honor his memory. That was his Express instruction for how to commemorate his life. Clergy, no liturgy, no prayers, no sacred music. This was hard for me to sit in on y’all, person after person after person came up to bear witness to a man who was exceptionally giving, outwardly loving to everyone he ever met, inclusive of everybody,” he said. ” And he was also always the guy who found the person left out in the corner of the room and went up to get to know him.”
“What I witnessed in that moment without a theological or liturgical word, was something in my Christian vocabulary I call resurrection life, whose love and giving had already begun to outlive his days, which had already inspired new life to be born, ” the woke pastor preached. “So how strange and unfortunate that this most expansive and inclusive texts and all the Bible over the millennia and tradition wielded as a way to justify Christian exceptionalism and superiority.”
“[The] Expressed purpose is to move beyond religion and laws and into the realm of the life which we live and the faith. What does it get to the Father except through this way I am,” he added. “What gets through
me this way, I am the grace-filled life runs with the current of eternity. Does everyone have eternal life? What school are we listening to?”
Watch the Clip here:
Saint Luke’s Presbyterian Church pastor argues for *universalism*, saying John 14:6 (“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”) shows that all will be saved.
— Protestia (@Protestia) March 3, 2025
“Everyone is invited to live the life that really is life here now. Let’s not wait. Jesus said to them and says to us, no one is excluded. Everyone finds it sometimes here and now, everybody, in the end, in my experience, the best way to find the true life that is eternal is to center one’s life in Jesus Christ, there,” he concluded. ” There are other ways to find that life that really is life. But in my life, this one following him has been the best, the most clear, the most powerful and transformative one.”
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