A man preaching on the streets of San Francisco went viral after video captured him calmly standing his ground as what many assumed was a transgender activist aggressively pulled what looked like a gun and aimed it squarely at his head. The disgusting act transpired after the preacher, Kevin Kihara of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries (CFM), proclaimed God “didn’t make a man to be a woman, he made the man to be a man” and “He didn’t make the woman to be man, he made the woman to be a woman.”
The confrontation arose after Kihara, who was speaking at length about how Christ died for our sins and overcame evil on the cross, suggested men and women were just that could not “be” the other. There appears to be heckling, for lack of a better word, off camera and at that point he transitioned from speaking about salvation through Jesus Christ and directly at the notion promulgated by the left that men and women are interchangeable.
“You need to try less being somebody you’re not and start to humble yourself and be somebody that God made you to be. He didn’t make a man to be a woman. He made the man to be a man! He didn’t make the woman to be man, he made the woman to be a woman! And this is the truth!” Kihara exclaimed, at which point the emotionally-charged individual advanced quickly toward him suddenly revealed a concealed gun-looking apparatus and pointed it directly in his face.
“What are you going to come attack me now?” Kihara says bluntly at the sight of the person up close. “I should,” the tattooed activist responds. However, the preacher barely flinched. He gave a little turn of his head but otherwise remain convicted in his beliefs and stared down what quite possibly could have been his final moments with resolution and courage.
The seeming gun was brandished for just a moment before the cowardly person turned and fled in the other direction. He immediately resumed speaking into his amplified microphone, shouting, “Hey man, it’s up to you if you want to pull that on me. God bless you.” The difference in belief systems – one offering prayers of support and blessings upon even the most deranged people and those that know and resort only to violence – could not have been made more clear.
Take a look at this absolutely wild moment and the incredible bravery of Kihara below:
The preacher, Kevin Kihara, counts himself a member of CFM. According to their website, they are an organization with the goal of placing passionate Christians like him on the street to spread the word of God. “CFM is embarking on a mission to set up Gospel Booths and Evangelists on every major street corner and plant CFM trained churches throughout the globe to both unite churches and that Christ will truly be present in our nation,” the website states on their about page.
Featured image: Screen shot from embedded video