Last summer at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, the head of the brand-new White House Faith Office Paula White completely laid into the alternative vision for America contrasted by Kamala Harris and her Democrat Party. She called theirs an “ideology that is against God” and implored the vast majority of Christians who normally sit out elections to say they’ve “had enough.”
It was an absolutely blistering speech, she highlighted what she saw as “wickedness and darkness” emanating from, not people so much, but rather their policies and actions. It can be left up to the individual listener or reader to deduce what she meant, but Americans as a whole rejected Trump’s competitor’s vision of open borders, escalating foreign wars, erasure of biological distinctions, soft-on-crime and catch-and-release policing, codifying Roe, or any number of policies that many Christians would say are antithetical to their beliefs.
And while she did not call out my name Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, it was clear to anyone paying attention that the election came down to the vision laid out by them or the one by now-President Trump. The latter won the popular vote and every swing state and continues to enjoy high poll numbers for his rejection of these principles. It seems safe to say Americans knew what was at stake.
Now, Paula White is not necessarily a mainstream name, but she is no stranger to President Trump’s circle. The Christian Tribune wrote of White’s long-time engagement with President Trump saying White “has long been a supporter of President Trump, both in terms of his politics and also his spiritual guidance. During his 2016 campaign, she chaired his evangelical board. At his first inauguration, she delivered the moment’s powerful invocation.”
Going back further, Trump and White’s spiritual relationship reportedly began in 2002 after he saw one of her televised productions. According to Christianity Today, he gave her a call 23 years ago and shortly thereafter she became his “personal minister.” She would fly to Atlantic City and minister private bible studies and he even appeared on one of her shows.
Taking the stage at the Washington, D.C. event, White hammered the entire apparatus contrasting then-candidate Trump. She felt confident that what they were witnessing under Biden and would continue to experience under Harris would motivate voters to action.“And I believe that there are people in this room that are going to stand up and say, Come on, devil. We’ve had enough. No more. We’re drawing the line here. And what I mean by ‘devil’ is Ephesians 6:12 that says we’re not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, wickedness and darkness,” she railed.
She continued, noting the stark contrast on parties and candidates in no uncertain terms while stressing the important of the Christian vote. “This is an ideology that is against God, against our faith and against our right, and we will put a stop to it. Come November, if every Christian gets up and they vote…only 25 to 30% of Christians get out and vote…But what I do know is you are the majority, and you your friends and your neighbors and the people that you go to church with, when we stand up, we will reclaim the Republic. God bless you. Amen.”
Take a look at part of that impassioned speech below:
Featured image: Screen shot from embedded video