Sam Storms, a famous pastor, has recanted his support of Mike Bickle, who founded the missionary organization House of Prayer (IHOPKC) and has been accused of abuse by at least 17 victims. The allegations were made in a report published on February 3rd. Initially Storms had defended his friend, but he later realized his mistake. He released a lengthy letter explaining his initial support and apologizing for his actions.
“Bickle, as a pastor and leader, was entrusted with the care of his congregation’s spiritual wellbeing; however, he betrayed this trust by misusing his position of authority to engage in sexual misconduct with multiple victims,” the report read. “His actions not only violated the sanctity of his role but also caused profound harm to those he was meant to guide and protect.”
“Most of you are undoubtedly aware of the horrible events that have been revealed concerning the predatory sexual misconduct of Mike Bickle. Numerous other sinful actions took place at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City that implicate former staff members and leaders,” the open letter began. “It isn’t my purpose to rehearse or describe the sordid events that took place at IHOPKC and in the many years preceding its establishment.”
He explained, “My purpose here is to express my deeply sincere and profound apologies to those who suffered under Bickle’s leadership or abuse because of my former endorsement of him.” Ever since I first met Bickle in January 1991, through the years, I have been his most vocal defender and advocate. I’ve written articles praising the ministry of IHOPKC and have responded to the many criticisms that were launched against Bickle,” he added.
“I must confess that I thought I knew the man. I regarded him as one of my closest friends. When I first heard of his indiscretions (that word is far too lenient for what he has done) on August 2, 2023, I couldn’t believe what I was told….The evidence began to mount with each passing day that the man I so passionately defended and admired was a wicked, two-faced abuser of women,” he stated.
“I’m heartbroken beyond words. …My only solace is that no one else detected anything amiss in the man. I’m not trying to excuse my blindness and lack of discernment…I am truly deserving of whatever ridicule or criticism that comes my way for being blind to this man’s true character,” Storms apologized. “It grieves me beyond words that some of you have walked away from the Lord and from his church because of Bickle’s betrayal of all of us.”
He gave a long series of specific apologies, including: “I apologize, repent, and ask forgiveness from those of you who suspended your critical judgment of Bickle simply because I did. Please forgive me.” He also “ask[ed] forgiveness from those of you who have lost confidence in the truth of the Bible because of Bickle’s sinful conduct and my failure to warn you about it. Please forgive me.”
Watch One Survivor’s Story Here:
In a statement, Mike Bickle wrote, “I sadly admit that 20+ years ago, I sinned by engaging in inappropriate behavior—my moral failures were real. (I am not admitting to the more intense sexual activities that some are suggesting).” Charges have not been filed yet, but given the shocking scope of the allegations, they are no doubt coming soon.
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