Kenneth Copeland is a controversial televangelist. He has long been mocked for his massive wealth, which includes private jets, mansions, and luxury cars. He is associated with the prosperity gospel, which is the idea that God rewards his faithful followers with wealth. In a recent article posted to his website, he explained why senior citizens who are on social security need to donate money to his ministry.
The post was designed to answer this question: “I’m on a fixed income. Should I tithe?” Tithing is a practice common in Christian circles where believers donate a percentage of their income to charity. Most often, this giving is optional and only designed for people with money to spare. Kenneth Copeland Ministries responded, ” Many people see themselves as on a fixed income, such as receiving a regular check in the mail from Social Security or a pension. No matter how you receive your income, think of your income as your seed bin, out of which you give to others.”
The writer added, “While your income may appear fixed, you are not limited by this set amount. God has set up a heavenly account for you because you’re one of His covenant children and a joint heir with Christ Jesus. Your resources are not limited by an earthly account or a human administrator.” If you are obedient to the leading of The LORD and to His WORD, then the windows of heaven are open to you,” the author wrote.
“Instead of focusing on the provisions (your income), seek the Provider…He promises to “supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”…So, your “fixed income” is not the last word; his Word is,” the article reads. The writer also suggested that people reconsider how they view their income. The author says that even on a fixed income, you can give.
“Starting today, consider thinking of your income differently. You may have a certain income that deposits into your bank account each month, but we encourage you to stop referring to it as “fixed.” The article encourages the reader to, “Calling your income “fixed” immediately limits it in both in your mind and with your words. Instead, thank God that all your needs are met and that you have more than enough to give to others. You can be a conduit of blessing for Him!”
The author condensed the response into a quick response; “Yes, tithing (giving 10% ) is essential for the believer. It is, first and foremost, an act of obedience. ” The article explained, “When you tithe, you are partnering with God. You are recognizing that everything you have comes from Him. Again, He is your Source. He is your Provider (your Jehovah Jireh). Since everything good comes from Him (James 1:17), then being faithful with your tithe is simply giving back by faith what already belongs to Him. ”
“God wants your tithe coming from a place of obedience, but also from a place of thankfulness and humility. We tithe with our money and our hearts. We tithe obediently, willingly, and cheerfully,” the article stated. “When you begin practicing tithing regularly, you’ll understand God’s faithfulness to an even greater degree. When we give willingly and cheerfully, we are tithing with our resources, our hearts and our mouths.”
The article concluded with an invitation to send in a written testimony to be used in KCM advertising. “Please keep us posted on how tithing affects you. We want to celebrate with you as you incorporate this principle and act of worship into your life. We are confident that you will see the benefit because God always shows Himself faithful. We believe you will reap a reward that will go beyond your “fixed income” and take you into a place of prosperity in many areas of life. “