Pastor Peter E. Matthews delivered a politically charged sermon to his Cincinnati area church. In a clip posted yesterday, the pastor blames President Trump for people failing to read scripture. He says that firing federal employees is wrong and creates stress. Online commentators were quick to mock the woke pastor for his hysterical sermon where he compared Trump to a demon.
“Right now, we are under systematic attack,” he started. He answered himself by imitating the members of his congregation. ” What are you talking about? Preacher? What do you mean attack?” He answered his own question: ” I’m saying that this week, the Federal Office of the Federal Office… the Feds scrubbed all the police data of background transgressions of previous police officers who have committed police brutality that happened this week.”
“Y’all saw a five-star military general who was the Joint Chief of Staff be replaced by someone who was retired and had three stars,” he added. ” You saw it this week, and then on Friday, there was a memo that went out to all federal employees, like our beloved Ken Parker, who was shamefully dismissed all federal employees. They said, If you do not respond to this email, consider it a resignation.”
“I’m saying that this assault that’s being had disproportionately with people that look like you makes it very difficult for you to study your Bible,” he theatrically concluded. “It makes it very difficult because the energy in the atmosphere is palatable, and it’s in every conversation. I saw a meme, a meme … and the meme said it’s very difficult to get up and go to work every day when a demon is trying to take over the planet.”
“Christians had zero problems studying the Bible under severe persecution. It seems they didn’t study the Bible even while Biden was president, or they wouldn’t be in this church,” said one account. “Lol I had an amazing devotion this morning and Trump didnt even hit my mind,” added another. “Among many other useful verses, the Bible tells you to “set your heart on things above”. But I guess this church didn’t have time to read that… or the Beatitudes… or anything else,” reacted one viewer.
Hes not the only pastor to resort to shameful displays. Duane T. Kay, Senior Pastor of The First Baptist Church of North Brentwood, MD, delivered an impassioned prayer on behalf of federal employees. “Federal workers, all those who are federal workers, those who [are] … connected to the government. I want you to come on down because if anybody knows that it’s praying time, you should know that it’s praying time,” he said in an impassioned but grammatically flawed alter call. “Father, even when policies have been adverse to our community, even when legislation hadn’t gone our way, even when folk looked at us, God, and said, we only think that you’re three-fifths of a person. God, we’re so grateful that you heard the cry of our ancestors.”
“We come to hold up the blood stain banner. We come to God because we know that we are victorious in and through Jesus. We are the redeemed of the Lord. And we know, Lord God, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper,” Duane T. Kay theatrically added. ” Yes, God, weapons are forming against our federal workers. Yes, weapons are forming against our independent contractors. Yes, weapons are formed against… those who are connected to government employment.”
Watch the Clip here:
“But God, we stand on your word and the promise of your word. This isn’t our ideology. This is our theology. God. We stand on your word that promises that the weapon, while it may form, is not going to prosper,” he said. ” So cover your people. God, in every government office, cover your people. Lord God, in every independent contracting situation, cover your people.”
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