A report has indicated that Christians face massive oppression worldwide. Jeff King, president of the International Christian Concern (ICC), a non-profit based in Washington, D.C., told Fox News Digital that “The world is seeing an increasing push toward oppressive control over religion, particularly Christianity, as a consequence of several modern and historical factors converging.”
He said that “Christians face oppression in more countries than any other faith group, with significant challenges in regions like the Middle East, Africa and Asia.” The ICC released a report earlier this week titled “The Global Persecution Index 2025.“ This report found that the biggest offenders when it comes to religious oppression, particularly against Christian populations were authoritarian leaders and Islamic extremist groups.
The worst nations are concentrated in the ” Redzone.” This refers to an area of Africa also known as the Sahel. “In many authoritarian states, Christianity is seen as a proxy for Western influence and values, which regimes often reject as imperialistic or destabilizing,” King explained. “Christianity and other faiths emphasize allegiance to a higher moral authority, which inherently challenges authoritarian regimes that demand complete loyalty to the state.”
“Countries like Nicaragua and Venezuela, traditionally Christian-majority nations, saw a big increase in hostility toward religious groups critical of authoritarian regimes,” King elaborated. “The targeting of religious citizens and suppression of dissenting voices marked a new and alarming trend. He also identified how” nations like China exported sophisticated surveillance technology to other authoritarian regimes, enabling tighter control and monitoring of religious groups.”
“In countries like India and Pakistan, social media platforms were used to incite mob violence and spread disinformation about Christian communities, leading to targeted attacks,” King described. “Many nations are experiencing democratic backsliding, with authoritarian leaders consolidating power and silencing dissent, including religious voices.”
King also drew connections to 20th-century dictators like Stalin or Mao. “Economic crises, political unrest, and social inequalities create conditions where leaders seek scapegoats or distractions, often targeting religious minorities to unite the majority under their rule. “He continued by saying “This trend is exacerbated by technological advancements, rising nationalism, and global instability, making the fight for religious freedom more urgent than ever.”
“Today’s regimes are drawing from this playbook as they face similar challenges to their authority,” he went on to say “Religion, with its ability to inspire freedom, hope, and resistance, is viewed as a mortal enemy to their dominance. ” “This trend is exacerbated by technological advancements, rising nationalism, and global instability, making the fight for religious freedom more urgent than ever,” King concluded.
As we reported earlier, a study by the Pew Research Center investigated the treatment of international Christians. They found that Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, and Iraq were the nations with the highest rates of Christian oppression. In these nations, both government restrictions and social hostility affect the ability of religious communities to express their faith. Normally these two forms of discrimination are linked. Overall the worldwide level of oppression has remained steady, but specific regions have gotten much more intolerant.
The report said Governmental attacks and social hostility toward various religions often “go hand in hand.” The study used two measures to quantify oppression. The GRI focuses on 20 criteria. These include limits on conversions and preaching, government efforts to ban a faith, and preferential treatment of one or many religious groups. The SHI measures mob violence, hostilities in the name of religion, and religious bias crimes.
Oppression of Christians took different forms in different regions. Nigeria had the worst scores, which is due to violence stemming from Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa as well as criminal gangs. Iraq has increased its social hostility score. The Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces have imprisoned religious minorities. According to the report, the worldwide violence peaked in 2022. Other relevant issues were the rise of lawlessness in Haiti and the displacement of 60,000 Tibetans.