Phil Vischer, most famous for creating Veggie Tales, took to social media on March 3rd, 2025, to complain about Trump’s recent decision to defund US foreign aid. Vischer says that because of Trump’s decision, children will die and that Trump supporters lack compassion. His post received massive backlash on X. Phil has gone woke and often makes politically tinged posts.
“The Trump admin sent notices on Wednesday to the Christian orgs that work to help refugees resettle in the US – informing them that all of their contracts have been cancelled. The 45 year-old program, launched by Reagan with broad bipartisan support, is apparently finished,” said Vischer. “Trump has also cancelled contracts for the emergency food supplement the US makes for kids too malnourished to eat normal food.”
“300,000 servings are now stuck in Georgia. Doctors fear thousands of kids will die as a result,” he added. “For those on this platform proudly displaying both a lack of compassion AND knowledge, the refugee resettlement work done by World Relief has nothing to do with the southern border, but with people in danger in other countries who’ve been flown to the US by the gov’t.”
“A lot of things had bipartisan support until ordinary Americans finally realized they had been weaponized against them. This should have happened decades ago,” objected conservative commentator Jermey Karl. “Stop stealing from my children. You have money Phil, how much are you personally giving? How many countries are you over in working and helping?” added well-known writer John Moody.
“Good, they were aiding and abetting the invasion of our country to displace us and turn the entire country Democrat/communist, whether they knew it or not. We won’t be forced to finance our own replacement. Trump is finally putting an end to it,” one user wrote. This response seemed to enrage Vischer who responded with his own post.
“They were not. The programs only work with refugees vetted by the State Dept. and flown to the US by the gov’t after passing vetting. The Christian orgs meet the families at the airport and help them adjust to the US,” he countered.” Thank God. Our government has used billions of dollars to buy off church denominations and get them to bend the knee to the culture of the day. All without the parishes knowing this was going on at this huge scale,” said another user.
“Most excellent. The corruption is being rooted out tooth and nail. So horrific the “church” is central to this malfeasance in the country. No more progressive kingdom building via illegal importation. There is a legal gate and gatekeeper–use them,” a pastor noted. “There are eight billion people on the planet, and around 6.5 billion of them would like to come live in the United States. How many of them do you want us to take?” one user noted.
“Thank God. Now we have to get all the fake “refugees” and the “migrants” that already got dumped into our home by corrupt/greedy NGOs the hell out. Going to take effort, but it’s worth it,” one person noticed. “Not sure on the credibility of the second claim Phil. At the end of the day, Christian parachurch ministry for “refugees” isn’t what it was 25 years ago. We don’t want violent, predominantly single men being imported into our communities, especially not at taxpayer expense,” concluded one account.