In a clip which went viral on social media, a pastor made the bizarre claim that God uses ‘she/her’ pronouns. This claim not only violates all Christian traditions, but also classifies as blasphemy. While some users on social media were shocked by this claim, many mocked the pastor for his weak arguments and the small size of his audience.
“John shakes people up. When people ask John what they should do to escape this wrath of fire, his response has a powerful economic dimension. Anyone who has more than one coat, especially today, should give that coat away to somebody in need,” the woke pastor began. ” If you got more food than you need, share with those who are hungry.”
“And you employers, you pay your workers a living wage. So John the Baptizer proclaimed a different version of the Good News of God. The presence of God didn’t mean that we were closer to Heaven. It meant that we’re to get closer to justice and mercy and equity,” he claimed. “No wonder John was arrested and later given the death penalty by the state.
“But after John is arrested, Jesus steps up and proclaims this good news, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the good news, the good news of God,” the preacher added. ” What is that? It means that God is proclaiming that she loves us and desires for each of us to know that we are loved and valued.”
“She loves us. God loves us. That’s the good news of God. That’s the main message that Jesus brought. And the time is fulfilled. He says, Jesus means that in his life and ministry, God is coming to us in a new way. It’s a kin-dom of God is near, ” he claimed. ” Yeah, I said Kin-dom instead of Kingdom. You may do that here. I don’t know whether you do or not, but I do it for a couple of reasons.”
“One is to emphasize, or de-emphasize, the masculinity of God, that God may not be the man we think he is,” he said to provide context. Online response was largely negative. “It always amazes me that this crew that always is so focused on everyone being called by their preferred pronouns absolutely refuses to allow God to use His,” one user pointed out.
“He self-identifies as masculine in pronoun as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They are disrespecting Him by their own rules LOL,” he continued. “He says John ‘proclaimed a different version of the good news of God’. A different version of God? Ya don’t say?” another noticed. “There’s only like 2 people in the pews praise God. How do they afford to keep the doors open?” one account said.
Watch the clip here:
Druid Hills Presbyterian Church impastor explains that the mesage of John the Baptizer has a “powerful economic dimension” that includes advocating for “living wages,” which resulted in his arrest and death.
He also calls God a ‘she’ to “deemphasize the masculity of God”
— Protestia (@Protestia) March 2, 2025
“His insistence on calling the Most High “she” as some woke new age “inclusive” feminized virtue signaling is detestable to me Did the Lord have gender confusion when He referred to Himself as He throughout scripture? Was He being misogynistic for becoming a man? Sickening…” another commenter reacted. “How in the world can somebody sit there and listen to that? Especially if they have opened the cover of their Bible,” another reply read.