Dr. Kevin Cosby is the senior pastor at St. Stephen Baptist Church. It is the largest black church in the state of Kentucky. Two months ago, the pastor delivered a crazed, woke sermon titled ‘Slavery and the Bible.’ The pastor slammed the apostle Paul and dramatically said the saint could ‘go to hell.’ Online commenters were incensed by the sacrilege and reacted negatively.
According to its website, St. Stephen is the “largest private Black employer in the state.” It states that ” over 98% of St. Stephen employees are from the Black Community.” The same webpage says that Dr. Kevin Cosby “is one of our nation’s most influential leaders…At the request of Muhammad Ali, he served as one of the eulogists at his Funeral, and he was inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Preachers of Morehouse College.”
In his controversial rant, the pastor started by saying, “Let me say this: all the Bible is not on the same level. So when you say,’ The Bible says it, ‘well, that doesn’t mean that just because you quote a scripture from the Bible, that is a priority of the purpose of the Bible.” While the pastor is undoubtedly a talented speaker, he is less gifted at grammar.
“Just like you’ve got a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny, which one of these four is money? All four is money, would you agree? They are all equally money..but are they all equal in value? No! And everything here in my hand is Bible, all equally Bible. But everything in my hand is not all equal in value,” he added. He controversially says that the point of the bible is not spiritual deliverance but earthly social justice.
“Salvation is not going to heaven. Salvation has to be deliverance from things that oppress people. Deliverance from hatred, deliverance from sexism, racism, the isms, that’s what salvation is,” said Dr. Kevin Cosby sacrilegiously. “Heaven will take care of itself- God is concerned about how we treat each other. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.”
“…And the question is, when you look at those Paul passages about slaves being obedient to their masters, that’s a penny,” he said, referring back to his earlier metaphor. “In fact, it’s such a penny and so contradictory to the themes of Jesus, I can say I don’t even look at them…I will say, “Go to hell, Paul.” After he condemned the man who wrote much of the New Testament, he turned his attention to other preachers.
“And I can say, “go to hell” Paul, about those slave verses. And I can say it to John McArthur out there in California who said, ‘what’s wrong with slavery?’ And you got them Negro preachers out there believing that nonsense. I can say, “go to hell” by the authority of Christ, because it’s total out of alignment with Jesus,” he concluded.
Watch the Crazy Woke Rant Here:
Online Commentors were quick to pounce on the woke preacher. “It’s the Ph.D that’s even funny. He sounds uneducated. How can you read about church history,the life of Apostle Paul, how he defended the gospel, sent to prison, beaten, yet prevailed and run his race, apostle to the gentiles, brought us the gospel and then say to hell with him?” one user replied.
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