According to the Foundation To Abolish Abortion, large Pro-Life Organizations crossed the aisle to oppose a recent measure to restrict abortion in North Dakota. House Bill 1373, would have improved classified abortion as murder and was supported by many conservative Christians. The bill was not passed and was opposed by pro-life organizations as well as Planned Parenthood.
“As national and state pro-life organizations, representing tens of millions of pro-life men, women, and children across the country, let us be clear: We state unequivocally that we do not support any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women and we stand firmly opposed to include such penalties in legislation,” said a letter published by a number of prominent Pro-Life advocates.
“Today we write to you to reaffirm that position in opposition to criminalizing or otherwise punishing women, and in opposition to the resolution before the North Dakota Republican Party,” the added. ” While Joe Biden and the Democrats works overtime to ensure that women have only one “choice:” unlimited, unregulated taxpayer-funded abortion at every stage of pregnancy, the Republican Party must offer an alternative vision.”
“An America where a culture of life is embraced, children are welcomed and loved, and women are supported through every stage of pregnancy, no matter the circumstances in which they find themselves. In short, a Pro-Life America,” they group letter argued. “We ask that you reject the Resolution 6 supporting the concept of implicating women as “co-conspirators” in their own abortion. ”
“The North Dakota Republican Party should instead redouble its efforts to protect women and children through the legislative process and join the Pro-Life movement in ensuring that women are served and babies are saved,” the letter concluded. ” This letter echoed a statement from Planned Parenthood.”Personhood bills open the door to further legislative attacks on pregnant people and providers, including additional criminalization and surveillance. Email your Representatives now and urge them to reject HB 1373!” they said in a widely published infographic.
“North Dakota Representatives have introduced House Bill 1373—a harmful piece of legislation that would redefine human being and personhood to apply at the moment of conception. This copycat legislation is a widespread tactic of the anti-choice movement and has been used to undermine the rights of pregnant people,” the same document concluded.
In a statement after the bill was shot down, The Foundation To Abolish Abortion explained, “State Representative Lori VanWinkle championed the abolition of abortion in North Dakota, carrying HB 1373, the North Dakota Prenatal Equal Protection Act all the way to the House floor. Lori VanWinkle was opposed ruthlessly by Planned Parenthood, the IVF industry, and most of all, by the ‘pro-life’ establishment.”
“Amidst a furious storm of opposition, including from some of the biggest ‘pro-life’ organizations and legislators in North Dakota, she never wavered,” they concluded. ” Throughout the process, she exhibited tremendous courage and boldness in making the case to her colleagues for the abolition of abortion, even in the face of imminent defeat on the floor. God was glorified by her faithfulness. Please join us in thanking Lori VanWinkle for being the hero that North Dakota babies so desperately need.”