In a major revival at The University of Kentucky, more than 8,000 students gathered to worship. The event which was organized with the Unite Us Movement, resulted in 2,000 attendees giving their lives to Christ. UniteUS has appeared at 11 other college campuses since starting at Auburn University’s Neville Arena. More than 70,000 college students from around the country have attended their events in the last year and a half.
“No better way to kick off the semester than nearly 8,000 students gathered in Rupp Arena to lift the name of Jesus. We’ve been praying for this night for months, and God met us here again,” said the organizers. “Over two thousand students flooded the altar to surrender their lives to Jesus, and we know it’s just the beginning of all He has in store.”
“We’re seeing these pop up around a ton of different campuses,” said Daniel Johnson, a campus ministry director. “The spirit is ripe for moving. We are praying that heart change is happening and we will see a ripple effect. It can lead to a different culture on campus. That there would be spiritual fruit from this, and lives are so changed that Kentucky is not seen as a place of darkness as a campus but a place of light.”
“Revival starts with prayer, and I can tell a lot of prayer went into this event,” he said. “We are praying that God continues the revival. My prayer is that everyone who came forward would know Christ and make Him known and be like the woman at the well,” he added.” ‘Come and see the man who told me everything I had ever done.’ We are praying that within all those who came forward the revival is taking place.”
“It’s really cool thing what God was doing,” Johnson said. “We had a table in front beforehand and handed out all our cards that talk about our (BCM) program. We will see students from this event. They had a really big focus on getting involved in the local church. That language is what is needed,” Daniel Johnson said of the event. He also added that many attendees had their faith deepened.
“Even the people surrounding you, surely everyone claiming to be a Christian that’s here is a 10 (on a 1-to-10 scale). How many people were an 8 or 9 (that went forward)? You never take sharing the gospel for granted, even among the saints,” he concluded. “It goes to show we need to preach the gospel to ourselves, other believers and to the lost on a regular basis.”
The Christian Tribune reported on a similar evangelistic event hosted at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, which drew many students, of which dozens gave their lives to Christ. “Nearly 1500 students last night [at] Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. 62 water baptisms. Powerful testimonies. Many physically healed and delivered! Jesus is Lord….. and He is coming back.”
New Life Young Adults Pastor Tarik Whitmore spoke about the revival, noting that after reading from the Bible, “This was followed by testimonies from students and former students — sharing how God saved them, set them free, healed them physically, and is now using them to change the lives of others.”